Hello everybody,
I did a short example to give an expression of pointers and constants. It's uniquely illustrative. With all this, I'm trying to lay the groundwork to const correctness's use because the good use of const is absolutely important in complex applications where the efficient matter.
Here we go:
int main(){
int intInt;
const int cint = 10;//we have to initialize here unless
that is an atribut's class
//and, in this case, have to be
initialize inside the constructor
int * ptrInt;
const int * constValue;
int * const constPtr = &intInt; //have to be initialize here
const int * const
constPtrValue = &intInt; //have to be initialize
intInt = 1;
intInt = 2;
//we can change the value as times as we like
//cint = 2; EROR: this variable is const so is the same
to say read-only
ptrInt = &intInt;
//ptrInt = &cint; ERROR: the reference from cint is 'const int*'
and was expected int*
*ptrInt = cint; //we can put the value of cint inside our pointer
//but in this case we have copied by value and no
by reference so
//*ptrInt don't point to a const and then
we can increment his value:
(*ptrInt)++; //now is 11
//constant pointer
constValue = &cint; //we can point to any constant int
int aux = 20;
constValue = &aux; //even to a int but still being unaccesible
using constValue
intInt = 30;
int *auxPtr = &intInt;
constVconstValue = auxPtr;//in this way the value of constValue is 30
//and still being unaccesible from constValue
//*constValue = 12; ERROR: the value of constValue is const,
so *constValue is read-only
intInt = 100; //but we can change the value from the variable
//so this is legal, and then
std::cout << *constValue;//this print 100
(*auxPtr)++; //but we still having access also from our auxPtr
//so this is legal to
std::cout << *constValue;//and now, this print 101
//int * const constPtr
//constPtr = auxPtr; EROR: our pointer is constant so we can't change
the direction where point
*constPtr = 2;//but the value isn't constant, so we can change it
std::cout << *constPtr; // is 2
std::cout << intInt;// and the value have been changed too, is 2
//const int * const constPtrValue
std::cout << *constPtrValue;// is 2 because we are pointing to intInt
//constPtrValue = ptrInt; ERROR: assigment of read-only variable
//*constPtrValue = 20; ERROR: read-only value
//so we only have access to the variable
//although we can change the value with other variables
intInt = 666;
std::cout << *constPtrValue; //this print 666
Tot això ho escrius per amor a l'art? :3
ReplyDeleteBona la idea de posar un exemple de cada i anar comentant, però se m'acudeix que potser podries posar una introducció o conclusió sobre el codi... Per saber de què parlaràs, més que res. Tot i que potser fas expressament això d'anar-ho veient sobre la marxa... Com vegis.
Un petó!