Well, I just mentioned.
In a previous post, I spoke about Type Traits. Now, I'm going further and show you some details about decltype; a new feature of C++11.
This is useful because you will spend less time having to write out things the compiler already knows.
C++11 introduces several tools for type inference. Decltype, auto, new return feature, these are some examples.
In this chapter, I'll review references and introduce decltype.
Read carefully and note the types.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int a = 2, *b; b = &a; int& c = a; //int referenced c = 20; //This modifies a auto d = c; // that's an int, isn't referenced d = -1; decltype(c) e = a; // that's a referenced int e = -20; cout << a << ", " << c << ", " << *b << ", " << d << endl; // all refers to the same number //***************************************************** int q1 = 0; decltype(q1) q2 = 1; decltype( (q1) ) q3 = q1;// int& q3 = 2; cout << q1 << ", " << q2 << ", " << q3 << endl; //***************************************************** struct MyClass { double x; }; const MyClass* const f = new MyClass(); // constant pointer pointing to constant value
decltype( f ) asd = new MyClass(); // const MyClass* const so have to be initialized decltype( f->x ) x; // double decltype( (f->x) ) y = x; // const double& return 0; }
Notice that decltype( (variable) ) with double parenthesis is referenced.
Now, I want to introduce a new way to declare function.
The idea:template <typename Builder> auto makeAndProcessObject (const Builder& builder) -> decltype( builder.makeObject() ) { auto val = builder.makeObject(); // do anything return val; }A short example:#include <iostream> #include <utility> using namespace std; class A{ public: typedef pair<int,int> T; static T build(){ return T(1,2); }; static ostream& printA(ostream& out,const T& val){ out << "( " << val.first << ", " << val.second << " )" << endl; return out; }; // we can override the operator << // inside the class // // friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const A& val) // // but we don't want to print an A class, we just are printing an // internal type }; // NEW C++11 auto foo() -> decltype( A::build() ){ auto a = A::build(); // DO ANITHING return a; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,const A::T& val){ return A::printA(out, val); // overloading << operator for cout << A::T } int main(){ cout << foo() << endl; // If we change A::T class and build constructor, foo() will change automaticaly the return type return 0; }
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